sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015





Pamplona, plaza de toros Monumental.

Escritores famosos, artistas del cine, modelos, personalidades políticas, y otras yerbas
de famosos gustan de asistir a las fiestas de San Fermín o a otras fiestas en las que
se celebran corridas de toros.

Famosas plazas de toros de 1ª categoría son en España:

  • Plaza de toros de la Maestranza, Sevilla (1761-1881).
  • Plaza de toros de la Misericordia, Zaragoza (1764).
  • Plaza de toros de Valencia, Valencia (1860).
  • Plaza de toros de la Malagueta, Málaga (1876).
  • Plaza de toros Monumental de Barcelona, Barcelona (1914).
  • Plaza de toros Monumental de Pamplona, Pamplona (Navarra) (1922).
  • Plaza de toros de Las Ventas, Madrid (1931).
  • Plaza de toros de Vista Alegre, Bilbao (Vizcaya) (1962).
  • Plaza de toros de Los Califas, Córdoba (1965).
  • Plaza de toros Illumbe, San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) (1998).


    y en el mundo:

  • Monumental Plaza de toros México, Ciudad de México (1946). Actualmente es la plaza de toros más grande del mundo con un aforo para 41,262 espectadores.

  • Plaza Monumental de Playas de Tijuana, (1957), 25,001 espectadores.
  • Plaza Nuevo Progreso, de Guadalajara (1967), 20,000 personas.
  • Plaza Monumental de Aguascalientes (1974), 16,000 espectadores. el 2do recinto mas importante del país debido a la feria de san marcos La Feria Mas Importante Del País.
  • Plaza de toros Fermin Espinoza "Armillita" de Jalostotitlán, Jalisco 6,500 espectadores.Es la segunda plaza mas importante del estado de Jalisco debido a su carnaval taurino.
  • Plaza Monumental Zacatecas (1976), 12,500 espectadores.
  • Plaza Monumental Monterrey Lorenzo Garza Monterrey, Nuevo León (1937) 12,000 espectadores,
  • Plaza de toros de Quito (1959), Quito. 13.300 espectadores.
  • Plaza de toros Belmonte (1919), Quito. 4000 espectadores.
  • Plaza de toros Mitad del Mundo (1982), Quito.
  • Plaza de toros Santa Ana de Cuenca (1973), Cuenca. 7500 espectadores.
  • Plaza de toros de la Candelaria (1993), Ibarra. 5000 espectadores.
  • Plaza de toros Monumental de Ambato (1963), Ambato. 11000 espectadores.
    • Plaza de toros de Santamaría, Bogotá. La plaza mas importante de Colombia; situada en el barrio Sandiego, es una de las arquitecturas de plazas de toros más bellas. Curiosidades: La presidencia de la plaza de toros queda encima de la puerta grande, por ello los matadores deben hacer un giro bastante particular al pisar los ruedos para saludar a la presidencia. La construcción y fundación de la plaza arruinó a sus constructores, por su altísimo costo. Posee un museo taurino. La única muerte registrada en este coso, es la de un Mexicano, en un espectáculo tipo rodeo presentado a mediados del siglo XX.

    • Plaza de toros Cañaveralejo, Cali. Es la plaza más grande de Colombia con un aforo aproximado de 18.000 espectadores. Cuenta con una escuela de tauromaquia propia donde de entrenan los matadores más destacados del país. Fue construida en hormigón armado semejando la figura de una copa de champaña. Además posee los mejores corrales del mundo, donde se pueden realizar hasta diez encierros diferentes a la vez. Está ubicada en la céntrica Calle 5a de Cali, y tiene a disposición de los aficionados un parqueadero con gran capacidad. Es conocida como Plaza de toros de Cañaveralejo. En ella se realizan diferentes eventos culturales entre los que se destacan conciertos, exposiciones artísticas y, sobre todo, la Feria Taurina de Cali que celebra novilladas desde finales de noviembre y corridas de abonos la última semana de diciembre y primera de enero. Entrega anualmente el trofeo Señor de los Cristales.

    • Plaza de toros La Macarena, Medellín.
    • Plaza de toros El Bosque, Armenia.
    • Plaza de toros de Manizales, Manizales.
    • Plaza de toros La Pradera, Sogamoso.
    • Plaza de toros de Vistahermosa, Bucaramanga

    Vista aérea del Nuevo Circo de Caracas.

    Moderna plaza de toros en San Cristóbal, Venezuela

    Plaza de toros de Acho (1766) en Lima, Perú, la más antigua de América

    En fin, que es un espectáculo en singulares partes del mundo que no he mencionado, como en Francia, Marruecos y algunos pueblos más.


    Просто эмоциональное чувство, чтобы увидеть ее в ход вверх от станции метро Westminster.
    Биг Бен это прозвище для большой колокол из часов в северной части Вестминстерского дворца в Лондоне, [ 1 ] и часто распространяется сослаться на часы и башня с часами . [ 2 ] Башня теперь официально называется Элизабет башня, после был переименован в 2012 году (из "Часовая башня") в честь бриллиантового юбилея Елизаветы II . Башня имеет крупнейший сталкиваются с четырьмя звон часы в мире и третья по высоте свободно стоящая башня с часами. [ 3 ] башни было закончено в 1858 году и имел свое 150-летие 31 мая 2009 года [ 4 ] в течение которых праздничные события имели место. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] башня стала одним из самых известных символов Лондона и Англии и часто в создании выстрела фильмов в сентябре в городе.

    Юго циферблат очищается 11 августа 2007 года

    Башня появилась во многих фильмах, особенно в 1978 версии Тридцать девять ступеней , в которой герой, Ричард Ханни , пытался остановить прогресс часах (для предотвращения связанных детонирующие бомбы) через повешение с минуты рука его западной набора. [ 51 ] В четвертом Джеймс Бонд фильм Шаровая молния , к дополнительным ошибаюсь забастовка Биг Бен на час обозначается преступной организации СПЕКТР быть сигналом того, что британское правительство присоединилось к своей ядерной требования вымогательства. Также был использован в съемках Шанхайские рыцари главной роли Джеки Чан и Оуэн Уилсон , и в настоящее время изображен как частично разрушен в Докторе Кто эпизод « Пришельцы в Лондоне ». Биг-Бен был также показан в заключительной сцене Джеймс МакТиг 'ы фильма V значит вендетта , в которой футуристический изображением Гая Фокса Выносит взрывая парламенте, и колокола башни и маятник звучат с конца визг в начале взрыва . Очевидная "тринадцать куранты" описанной выше был также основным устройством участок в Капитан Скарлет и Mysterons эпизоде, " Биг Бен наносит ответный удар ". Он занимает видное место в нескольких анимированных Диснея фильмы, лечит в том числе Великий мышиный сыщик , Питер Пэн и Cars 2 .
    В конце опросах о всеобщих выборах 2010 результаты национального экзит-пола были проецируется на южной стороне башни. [ 52 ]
    27 июля 2012 года, начиная с 8:12 утра, Биг Бен пробил тридцать раз, чтобы приветствовать в Лондоне Олимпийских игр (то есть 30-й олимпиады), Que тот день официально начался.
    Некоторые, как эмоциональная была большая сенсация, чтобы увидеть его передо мной, так же, как с Эйфелевой башни в Париже.
    С уважением gatufo


    Today Madrid is a big city, nothing similar to the city I knew when I was a Young boy and walk round its streets and squares, in fact I can´t recognise this city of todeay less friendly than fourty or thirty years ago.
    Every persons who came here to live, after some years it was a madrilean more, it doesn´t matter which part of the world she ot he was born, but even more after ten years or a Little more these people love the city as it was of them, their city by all means.
    My parents came from Burgos when they were married already, I was the only one that was born in the city, the Little city then, but it was so nice, friedly, funny as always it was. They, my parents, seems madrileans after ten years living here.
    The castellano language here sounds different, as in every land of Spain, but we talk so different that the language its called "castizo" because we use a lot of words and expressions that they are not used other parts of Spain.
    We have our own music, "chotis", that is sing and dance in the feasts, but also our own Opera that here we call it "Zarzuela", it is similar to an Opera but its also spoken at the same time that the music sounds and the singers sing. I do love Zarzuelas, and despite there are these kind of music from all lands of Spain, Madrid has their own Zarzuelas where the way of speaking of "castizos" are the accent that is necessary to use.
    The girls are called "chulapas" and the boys "chulapos" and all they have a peculiar way of being dressed, nice coloured garments and also the girls wear "mantones de manila" what is absolutely necessary for them if they wanted to be good dressed.
    There are some Zarzuelas very funny and quiete a good music, several in fact, but some of the best known are "La Verbena de la Paloma", "La Revoltosa", "La Gran Via", "El Barberillo de Lavapiés". "Luisa Fernanda"...it was singed by the good Tenor Alfredo Kraus  Placido Domingo but also Javier Pons or Jose Carreras and some of the best sopranos or mezosopranos like Teresa Berganza, Nancy Herrera, Maria Rodríguez, and so forth.......
    Once that O went to the theatre to attend to Luisa Fernanda, singed by Plácido Domingo it was sitting close near to me Alfredo Kraus, one of the best tenors to me, he was retired already and few months later he was dead, I was very sorry for him and his family.
    Usually Madrid´s music is pleasant, bustling and cheerful just how madrileños are. Friendly nice people who take life easy, without too much troubles.
    The city now it is quite different, all has changed to be a big European city, for good or for bad I really don´t know.
    Life is different, hard, too much noise, millions of people from every where of the world, some of the áreas that was absolutely typical have changed drasticaly, for worst.
    But time changes everything and this my city wasn´t an exception, no so much "castizos" "chulapas" or "chulapones" instead people from China, Equador, Maroc, Peru, Colombia, Nigeria, Argentina, Rumania, Russia, Ukrania, and thirty or more countries have taken their place.
    At the end all these people will be madrileños too, that´s for sure, but it will take several years to be truth.
    Now Madrid has the best Art Museums nearly from the World, as Thyssen, Prado, Reina Sofia, Picasso, Sorrolla, Caixa Fórum, Royal Palace, Descalzas, and so forth....
    But also another kind of events that makes the city one of the first in Cultural event in Europe and other parts of the World...
    I love and hate Madrid.
    Why? that´s a mystery to me.

    el gatufo
    (by the way people that were born in Madrid are called "CATS"
    some time ago....now I think it is different...why they are called Cats along history......that is another story to tell in future)




    CALIFORNIA  -  L.A. SAN FRANCISCO...(that´s was before, in January)

    Where to go?, that was the big question some months ago.
    It was going to be the first time of putting a foot in a Nation where English is the Official Language. So Emiliano was very nervous, too much expectations.

    New York, looks so good city to visit, but it is also so big, incredible big and too far away from Madrid.
    Having in mind he is going alone, without any other pal, may be the poor was just a little afraid of leaving  Europe to go to the EE.UU.

    Too many controls to enter the country, have an authorization that here in Europe it is not necessary, and too long from home.

    At the end, after two months of thinking, even after of getting the Passport that is not necessary to go to England, Gatufo decided to go to London.

    (London, England)

    London and Paris, the two second cities he always wanted to visit after New York. Why N.Y., he doesn´t know, too many movies and so different from Europe´s cities.
    Beside every friend who goes to New York said it is a marvellous city to go as a tourist, and I am sure it has to be.

    After Madrid, Gatufo´s city were he was born, New York could be the town he knows better, but only in movies, books and TV serials.

    File:NYC Montage 2011.jpg

    (New York City..."The Big Apple")

    It has been the same with London, so many movies and books take place in London that I have the feeling of have been in the city already, but it has not been so till the moment.

    He is preparing a lot of things to be in the town for eight days, it is sure that half of the things he is carrying would be useless.

    Going to New York it wasn´t the first idea he had to travel, No it was not New York despite he like this city so much. First idea he has about his trip was going to California, Emiliano wanted to be in San Francisco and specially in L.A., where he have three good friends that he wanted to visit and said to them "how are you my friends a pleasure to meet you" but it was not possible.

    It seems Califonia it is a Big Land, difficult to see if you have not a car and Emiliano hasn´t driving licency. He is a cat, and since the year 1994 he didn´t drive any more. 
    Beside California was too far to going for the first time after 14 years without traveling and he was afraid of traveling alone.
    Yes, alone, his dear Cuca is not going to travel with him because she can´t. She is ill and have not any possibility of doing a trip any more.
    Emiliano wanted very much to see his friends in L.A., that´s the city where they live.

    Well he is not fully happy about his trip because his dear Cuca is not traveling with him. 

    First time they are not together after a lot of time. 
    How many years fourty?, not, even more.

    So now he is not knowing what is going to feel without his dear Cuca close to him.  

    Just a mistery he is goint to feel for the first time. At least he is sure Cuca would be good with their new friend Isabel, who is going to live at home taking the place of him.

    That´s all my friends, after some time he will be here again to tell everybody how has been his trip to anywhere that it is waiting for 
    his visit.

    Yes, he would like to go to New York, his city after Madrid, but it is
    really very spensive.....so we will see.


    How to lose the opportunity to see the final "Argentina - Germany" from the "Brandenburg Gate" in Berlin, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Germans who came from all over the country and some Argentine oddly enough, that would be of tourists the city.

    Entire families scattered Annex park, extensive controls of the police to enter the premises not allowing the entry of glass or sharp instruments of any kind.

    Feeling German again, enjoy the atmosphere of celebration and anticipation of the longed party that eventually lead them to become World Champions.

    I arrived on the two with a splendid sun, thousands of young people sitting on the ground against the various TV screens, many hours yet until the beginning of the meeting, leaving the grounds jumping police tapes and find a bench to sit was my intention. I could not, on the three began to cloud and fell several drops, and no time for anything else dropped the "universal flood" for an hour and a half. Everything was clear, people sitting fled in terror to seek shelter under trees or awnings of stalls where they sold hot dogs, sandwiches, beer, water and other items appropriate to the party.

    Under a tree, not daring to go out, I looked useless shelter because she wet my very soul.
    's raincoat, shirt, shirt, pants, bag, everything was soaked beyond repair. After the flood, left again a Radiant sun, and again the site is full of soaked people, some without clothes, because everything had been flooded.

    I jumped the police tape that isolated the compound and sought a bench in the park, I remove all the possible clothes, stretched to the sun for it to dry, and I zampa the sandwich and fruit that had been prepared in the hotel in the morning at breakfast time. Say sustraje several slices of sausage, fruit, pastries, cheese, bread, and ate eagerly sitting in the park, waiting shirt soaked everything could dry.

    A German family sat on a nearby bench and after a while I was chatting with the father, a German from Bremen in English.
    had reached their city in northern Germany to witness the match in Berlin at the Gate Brandenburg, and as? had also been soaked and dried in the sun. chatted for over an hour, we took several pictures and congratulated him for having two absolutely beautiful daughters who resembled her mother so much.
    We laughed a pleasure discussing the goals of the semifinal between Germany and host Brazil, poor Brazilian team that had made ​​the ridiculous (like Spain) conceding seven goals that left them stunned and disbelieving. Sitting in this wonderful park I was letting time until it was time to be joining the expectant crowd of the final. Again the rain began to fall hard, relentless, non-stop for minutes, hours, without respite. Nobody moved and appeared umbrella but not too stoically youth, families, trying to put up with the rain shelter somehow, but it was not possible for thousands.

    Finally, no longer able to endure another hour under the shower, I looked for a way out of difficulty, with some shame, I was leaving the premises after spending several police barriers. In English I asked a policeman where I could take a taxi and told me very kindly to where he could address. Not a soul on the streets, all outstanding television and the game, so I got to my last hotel eight thirty. 's not stopped raining during the final game, and fortunately for all those thousands of German Berliners who endured the downpour, Germany eventually won the championship in overtime.

    My clothes drying on a bench near the daughters of friendly German Bremen.
    I was very happy for them, for all who had shared joy and rain next to the Brandenburg Gate. 's gatufo


    Algunas fotos de mi viaje a Alemania en julio 2014.

    Algunas son de la final de los mundiales de Brasil, Alemania-Argentina, en la Puerta de Brandemburgo, donde cayó el diluvio universal y nos empapamos todos de agua.


    Nada que añadir al esplendor y magnitud de esta gran urbe que es
    Berlín donde se necesitarían semanas para visitar como se debe, conociendo la inmensidad de sus parques, rios, edificios y larguísimas avenidas.

    Para Berlín lo mejor está por llegar eso es seguro.

    el gatufo